FREE SHIPPING STARTING AT $300~Click on FREE SHIPPING below for your minimum~

Free Shipping Calculator

SAKSCO Gourmet Basket Supplies offers free shipping to customers who make online orders that are over the minimum amount according to their shipping location. To find out about the minimum order amount for your location, simply type the first three characters of your postal code into the box below.

Your Postal Code:

Free Shipping Terms & Conditions

  1. Shipping via Canpar Ground where service is available.
  2. Free Shipping Offer is based on average weight. If your order contains too many bulky products e.g. pretzels, crackers, baskets etc. you will have to pay for the EXTRA WEIGHT ONLY.
  3. Excludes out of stock items.
  4. For larger orders of $1,000 or more, we reserve the right to ship via a trucking company or Canpar ground whichever is more convenient and economical. Customer is responsible for special delivery charges including, but not limited to residential delivery, tail gate, inside delivery and waiting time.
  5. Minimum order size is subject to change without notice.
  6. Excludes Extended Area.